Wednesday, 25 August 2010
come and join me at the new address, where the content of this blog has been transferred :
This is mostly for my legal thoughts
For Online safety tips, join the techmums blog:
For more fun and sharing my other hubby, cooking, come and share your recipies at:
Hope you'll enjoy.
Would appreciate if you'd share your views and ideas.
Thursday, 8 April 2010
A debill was passed last night
Nothing worked, unfortunately.
Were we wrong maybe?
We shall ask each of our MPs who disregarded our warnings to explain to us what they know that we don't.
Dear Members of Parliament, do let us know what you know that we don't.
Do let us know what we can do to comply with the regulation.
Do let us know what we can do and what we can't. Can we listen to Spotify ? Can we look at YouTube? What can we 'upload' onto YouTube? Can I post my children's musical play on Facebook? Can I offer you an iPod with music downloaded from iTunes?
How can we secure our home networks? Will the government provide us with secure wireless devices? How can we lock our IP addresses to be sure no one would download infringing material using them on our behalf?
What should we reply when we receive a solicitor's letter threatening us of legal action? Should we pay the £500 or
Do we have any means of proving we did not download any infringing material? We first need the answers to the previous questions for that.
Do we know who will intercept our private communications and how personal data will be stored?
How the Deep Packet Inspection or filtering will operate to catch potential infringers? In other words, how the internet censorship will be organised?
And last but not least, you passed a law, we need to know if this law will ever reach its goal, will the heavy downloader using VPN and encryption be caught on the net?
With my best regards. -- ---
Monday, 29 March 2010
What a week! A weak copyright!" href="" property="dc:title" rel="dc:type">A week of balance or a weak balance? by" property="cc:attributionName">Tara Taubman - clarinette02 is licensed under a
Friday, 19 February 2010
jeff Jarvis tought me iomega sucks
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Tip for a data recovery from Iomega Prestige Hard Drive
Here is copy of the chat I had yesterday with iomega customer service. I thought it would be interesting for everyone to get a test of how safe data can be.
Before, I wanted to give you few more detail:
1 - The Iomega Prestige 1Tb was purchased on August 2009 and has not been responding I guess since October-November 2009I
2- The vendor has recognised the disk failure and is happy to replace it but no recovery for to the saved data;
3 - I do understand HD can fail and you should have more than 2 backups, in my case, unfortunately, the two backups failed.
4 - What I do not understand is : why iomega didn't answered earlier, why they never even tried to have a look at the HD and try to repair it AND why can't I at least have a discounted price for recovery as a gesture.
5 - With so many digital documents to backup, just think of all these precious pictures collected for many years - we do need to trust as much as possible backup storages. How did I choose this model, simply from a friend's recommendation. You only know the value of a product and the customer support when something goes wrong. Thanks god, not every iomega products fail. Actually, talking with IT expert friends, It was pointed to me the case of iomega Zip drives:
Looking at the Wikipedia: 'In 2006, PC World rated the Zip drive as the 15th worst technology product of all time'
Further, "Iomega also produced a line of internal and external recordable CD drives under the Zip brand in the late 1990s, called the ZipCD 650... Early models of ZipCD drives were rebadged Philips drives, which were also so unreliable that a class action lawsuit succeeded." -
You can read more about the class action and its settlement here on iomega website:
You will notice - see here: - that the class action started in 1997 regarding purchases between January 1, 1995 and March 19, 2001 - The original settlement dates March 2001 and the revised version May 2002!!!
That means that between 1995 and 2001, customers suffered from a faulty product while iomega refused to take its responsibilities for a class action to be initiated.
Now, I hope sensitive materials such these hard drives could be appropriately tested before commercializing and receive a ranking of quality from an independent body in order to allow the customer to make a wise decision of purchase.
UPDATE: after opening the Hard Drive a small loose piece was find, Could it be repaired?
I let you read the copy of my chat with iomega.
Claudio: Hi, my name is Claudio. How can I help you?
clarinette: Hi, I have already emailed you - I believe last week - also been contacted by your colleagues on Twitter without success.
clarinette: The external hard drive is dead - after only few months - the vendor is happy to replace it.
clarinette: Of course, as you can imagine this only very partly resolve my issue:
clarinette: 1- I have all my data and backups to recover - HOW?
Claudio: unfortunately we do not provide data recovery directly. You can contact our data recovery partner at or alternatively you could go through a local company who provides this service.
clarinette: 2- how to trust a second Iomega product if it's to loose precious files I've been happy to spend money to protect
Claudio: every electronic device can fail, that does not depend on the brand or the specific model actually
clarinette: ok, I have to move to them now. Shame you didn't answered my previous email.
clarinette: you think then that backing up on iomega devices are by definition 'hasardous' and no recovery to envisage?
Claudio: every hard drive of whatever brand or model can fail suddenly with apparently no reason, that's why we always recommend to have a backup of the data and the reason why we sell backup solutions
clarinette: If I go 'through a local company who provides this service. ' would that be charged on me or iomega?
Claudio: I am sorry; warranty does not cover data loss.
clarinette: ' every hard drive of whatever brand or model can fail suddenly with apparently no reason, that's why we always recommend to have a backup of the data and the reason why we sell backup solutions' and the customer should be the only one to suffer from the failure.
Claudio: I am very sorry to hear of the problems you have experienced with your Iomega product and empathize with your data loss. I recognize that your data is priceless to you which is why Iomega, along with the computer industry stresses the importance of having a backup location for your critical data. If the unfortunate situation arises where data was stored only in one location, we do offer a data recovery service for a fee. You are also welcome to check with other data recovery services of your choice if you wish to have this service performed.
Claudio: At Iomega we pride ourselves in providing outstanding customer service to our customers. With millions of drives sold, we believe we have an outstanding track record in providing a very high quality product and excellent customer service and support. Iomega cannot, however, guarantee that no one will ever lose a file. Iomega makes plain in every statement of our warranties for all Iomega product sales that data loss is explicitly NOT covered by our warranty.
Claudio: Data recovery services are very expensive to provide, and are not built into the cost structure for each Iomega product, and indeed, the computer industry in general does not make any guarantee that you will never lose a file or lose any data once you buy a computer. For example, if your computer crashes and you lose a file from your Dell or Gateway computer, you cannot recover for data loss. Data recovery is an extra service performed by trained specialists, after studying the specific details in a particular data loss situation.
clarinette: Would you have any idea of how much it would cost me for the recovery by your colleagues you mentioned?
Claudio: sorry, I cannot tell, that depends on the damage, the machineries they have to use and the time they have to spend, you can ask a free evaluation though
Claudio: you can find all the contacts at
clarinette: This is a different link, does it replace the previous one? I have already sent a request to the first.
Claudio: that's the same company, it's just the direct link to the contact page
clarinette: Last question: Would they charge me as a iomega client victim under warranty or careless of the rapid failure of iomega product?
Claudio: I'm sorry, they are our partner but I don't know exactly which is their policy, I still confirm that the price will basically depend on the damage
clarinette: Ok, I'm going to talk to them.
clarinette: I guess I should thank you for your assistance.
Claudio: thanks for your understanding
Claudio: do you have any other question at the moment?
clarinette: oh, last point, yes, Do I have to give pack the faulty HD to get a new one? or can't I keep it for eventual recovery as I have been deprived of HD the last few months and now urgently need a new HD?
Claudio: yes, sorry, the unit must be returned for the replacement, there's the possibility to have an advance shipment but this service costs 23.80 euros
clarinette: Therefore, you are not offering your customers any hope of help on data recovery. Thanks
Claudio: the replacement can be still provided after you have recovered your data
clarinette: on their page, your colleagues mention: if need to open, no warranty, if no warranty no replacement isn't it?
Claudio: if you contact our data recovery partner the warranty will not be voided, even if you contact a local company and the you provide a data recovery documentation we can still replace the unit
clarinette: If I wanted to use the replaced iomega HD, how many mirrored hard drive should I need to secure the backups?
Claudio: a backup is "two or more up-to-date copies of your important data located on different disks."
Claudio: this is by definition, so at least two copies of the data, but in different disks
clarinette: I had two copies: for most data: one on my Vista desktop and the other on the iomega. I could not believe both would fail and the iomega failed after only a short time - I guess 3 months!!!
Claudio: sorry, this is a very unfortunate situation, actually that doesn't happen so often
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Tuesday, 9 February 2010
The privacy of Mobile online networking
"The report describes the social networking world and the mobile phone services allowing the users to experience the social networking sites (SNSs) on their handset, also illustrating the major risks and threats connected to their use. While many of the privacy issues originating from the web-based access to SNSs also apply to mobile social networks, there are also a number of unique risks and threats against mobile social networks. The report aims to provide a set of recommendations for raising the awareness of social networks users and in particular of social mobile users of the risks and the possible consequences related to their improper use.
ISBN-13 978-92-9204-036-9
Feb 08, 2010"
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Des yeux dans le bac a sable, paranoia ou realite. A la recherche d'un consentement avise
La lecture de l'article de Yann Leroux sur l'effet Bac a Sable de Facebook, m'inspire les commentaires suivants:
..Facebook est juste un bac à sable et les châteaux de sable que nous y construisons ne nous appartiennent pas”.
Internet une zone de non-droit?
Je rebondis. On aurait pu l’envisager mais nos dirigeants politiques ne l’entendent de cette oreille. Le droit transperce et tente d’organiser cette nouvelle frontiere.
L’humain a exploite la terre, la loi l’a organisee, L’humain a exploite la mer, la loi l’a organisee, puis le ciel puis l’espace puis l’irrel. Le monde digital n’a pas su d’avantage resister a la dictature du droit.
Rien de nouveau sous le soleil, une nouvelle frontiere percee, de nouvelles regles a trouver, comme dans les autres spheres, la loi ne sera jamais par faite mais elle instituera un certain ordre dans la balance.
L’image que je propose est celle de nos routes avant la democratisation de l’automobile. Tant qu’il n’y a eu que des conducteurs privilegies, tout allait bien. C’est lorsqu’elle l’industrie a permis la democratisation de l’automobile que les routes ont connu le cahos jusqu’a ce qu’un code de la route soit etabli.
Cela dit, cette analogie du bac a sable me plait bien.
1– l’enfant y joue, apprend a manier les outils, y socialise,
2– il est sous la sur veillance des adultes, ses propres gardiens, mais aussi sous l’oeil d’autres adultes qui pouront le secourir en cas de besoin, jusqu’a ce que progressivement il puisse s’en affranchir.
Dans les reseaux sociaux, en revanche, on a encore besoin de trouver les regles qui s’adaptent. Quand je dis regles, je ne me refere pas necessairement a des lois etatiques car ca peut-etre aussi des accords concertes entre les parties avec plus de sou plesse, pouvant mieux s'adapter a l’evolution rapide des nouvelles technologies.
1– l’enfant ou le neo phite a acces a internet sans accompagnement ni preparation;
2– sur internet chacun peut pretendre etre qui il veut. Amis ou ennemis se confondent;
3– il n’y a pas que des chateaux de sable sur internet les aires de jeux sont confondus;
3– le bac a sable est un immense domaine qui rejoint les quatre coins du glob;
Le droit est immense, ses potentiels le sont aussi, tant en bien qu’en mal.
4– la portee de diffusion du message est incomparable a aucun autre media pre-existant,
5– la vitesse de propagation est quasi-instantanee;
6– le temps de reflexion n’est plus imposee;
7– le droit de l’oubli ou le droit de retractation est quasi-inexistant.
8 — le dommage cause peut-etre bien plus profond.
Je pense la au domage cause a la reputation, la pedophilie, le ‘cyber bullying’ qui a un effet devastateur et aggrave sur le net ou sur un plan plus materiel, le vol d'identite.
Pour revenir au point particulier du droit a l’intimite, je considere que le respect de l’individu et de la dignite humaine justifient que du moins, les plus vulnerables, les jeunes et les moins experimentes meme moins jeunes, beneficient d’une plus grande protection.
Je ne considere pas le ‘filtering’ ou la censure comme moyens efficaces de protection.
Le meilleur filtre est celui qui se trouve entre les deux oreilles, c’est le discernement et le jugement.
Pour cela, il faut pas ser par l’education.
Les internautes doivent savoir ce qui est fait de leurs informations collectees. Les directives europeennes sont tres claires sur ce point:(Eight Data Protection Principles). Selon qu’il sagit ou non d’une donnee privee sensible, il faut obtenir le consentement tacite ou expresse de l’usager pour collecter ses informations.
Le droit existe, nous ne perdons pas notre droit au respect de la vie privee simplement parce que nous sommes sur internet. Nous conservons notre droit de control sur la diffusion de notre information. Ce qui a evolue, c’est la dichotomie traditionnelle qui existait entre la sphere publique et la sphere privee. Il demeure le desir de maintenir privees des informations divulguees dans la sphere de l’internet.
Ce qui est poste sur internet y est pour la posterite, ce qui appartient a son auteur ce n’est pas simplement son copyright mais aussi son droit de controle sur sa diffusion.